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  • Writer's pictureShakti-Rose Das

Term 2 | January - March

Updated: May 14, 2018

Tutorial 7 – 30/1/2018

- Need 10 supervisor sessions ideally

- Should contextualise what I’m doing using other people’s practices; this will inform as to how I can carry out my research

- Will strengthen the package of what I will be creating

- Clothes & family connections?

- Clothing & how we use it to communicate with each other

- Clothes swapping

- History of clothing is too broad

- Should be researching theory of clothing

- Interim report: commentary on research; how I’ve carried it out & used it in my own work


- Research: Opening up the Wardrobe (book)

- There are a range of clothes online

- Research should be uploaded onto blog/website

- Good understanding of the form

- Timetable in a supervisor session for next week (if needed)

- Seminars, exhibitions, authors, people of importance, books, internet

- Do I want to do an MA in Fashion?

Tutorial 8 – 23/2/2018 (Feedback on Test Photoshoot)

- Sitting on end of bed is a good shot

- There needs to be more engagement with the participant and a process of exchange

- Photos are a formal way of establishing relationship with participant in the image

- Participant & researcher in same image would be better

- Need a tripod and remote

- Different relationship with each participant in their images & how I can convey that

- Karl Ohiri's In My Mother’s Clothes uses different (traditional) signifiers, e.g. wearing mum’s shoes vs boyfriend’s shirt

- Device of the mirror brings more out of the encounter

- What am I photographing? Think about this – the clothes, interaction/issues surrounding the interaction

- Intimate space – voyeurism?

- Peep show machine inside a wardrobe with photographs

- Theatrics – hand out tickets for my display/exhibit

- Research: Johannes Vermeer – Girl with the Pearl Earring painting

- Wardrobe + pinholes or peep show

- Cosey Fanni Tutti – puts the audience in a position of voyeurism

- Booklet & comments book

- Research: Me and You and Everyone We Know – Miranda July

- Research: Sophie Calle – book of letters

- Research: Clothes, theory, body, gender identification as semiotic took – Judith Butler

- Give context of practices, theory, industry that engages with people around personal things, eg. identity and clothes

Tutorial 9 – 22/3/2018 (Feedback on Photoshoots)

- Straightforward

- Rooms give trouble

- Sole – good choice of subject

- No peripheral items should be in the shot

- Did Sole also wear my clothes?

- What do I want to communicate in these photos?

- What am I hoping to get out of wearing other people’s clothes/what do I want to convey?

- Inhabiting their clothes – understanding them and their guise

- Gone into their space – important part of pictoral language

- Self-conscious – need to get past that

- Really straightforward ones work for David

- Not enough of Ruth in her photos

- Get them to take photos of me to gain an understanding of the process, then come up with ways to be in the same photo together??

- Less clutter, more colour

- Mirror is a good system

- Exhibition piece: collage wardrobe with photographs

- Infinite regression of a piece of clothing – mirrors all inside

- Create a prototype/small model of the exhibition

- Mirrors are really working – they make internal frames – this creates relationship with participant more effectively

- What do I feel when I wear their clothes?

- Email photos in low resolution to David to check

N.B. Not all suggestions were pursued, and not all tasks were carried out.

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