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project progress

schedule of activities

As part of my proposal, I created a detailed timeline of activities. Much of what I had planned to do was carried out at a later date than originally stated. Although my timeline isn't up-to-date with my final proposal, this hasn't mattered much when referring back to it.


Please click here for a link to my Schedule of Activities.


Throughout the year I have been altering my proposal following meetings with my supervisor and tasks I have carried out as part of my methodology:

Proposal 1

Proposal 2

Proposal 3

Proposal 4

critical presentation

In February, in our supervisory groups, we gave a presentation focussing on how we planned on presenting our research at the graduate show. Our installation was that of a labyrinth, created with a series of movable walls. We stuck up A3-sized square mirrors on the inside of the walls in order to give multiple perspectives to each person's work. At the entrance to the labyrinth were our research questions, which gave a clear indication of what was inside.

preliminary photoshoot

In order to get the images I wanted, I did a practice photoshoot following a previous methodology, whereby I would only take photos of my participants in the three aforementioned outfits (their favourite outfit, their work clothes, and the clothes they wear when they're at home). I took 167 photos. Here are a few of my favourite images, unedited, which I used to improve my photography in later photoshoots.

Click on an image for a full view.

interim report

More information on the progression of my project can be found in my Interim Report here.

final exhibition piece ideas

  1. Peep show machine with a deck of my photographs inside. This machine will require viewers to insert a coin to turn the light on.

  2. A wardrobe with my photographs on the inside, lit by fairy lights. Viewers will be able to see the images through fish-eye lenses placed all over the outside of the wardrobe.

  3. A dressing room, much like the ones backstage in a theatre, with my photographs pinned up around the room.

  4. A fitting/changing room, much like the ones in clothes shops, with my photographs pinned up around the space.

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