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  • Writer's pictureShakti-Rose Das

Term 1 | October - December

Updated: May 13, 2018

Tutorial 1 - 12/10/2017

- 'Do we use clothing as a costume?' is a valid question

- Could end up writing a dissertation about it (?)

- Practice-based methodology

- Dry question – explore something more in relation to the question

- Difference between clothes and performance

- Performance environment = lecture, going to work

- Narrow down the question

- Research: Richard Layzell – uses the language/jargon of the people he is engaging with

- To what extent public space is a stage – how we dress or don’t dress to fit that stage

- Peep show machine – looking in through eye holes?

- Voyeurism

- Maybe ask people to dress the way they feel most expresses who they are

- Dad = life and performance are altogether/one

- To what extent are people’s daily lives a performance?

- Over 18, get permission (a formal agreement) to use them in my project

- Formal way for people to participate – invite people into a booth at Stockwell or set up a blog for people to register?

- Methods will be discussed in due course

- Need to resolve a clear expression of my idea

- I’m thinking of the performative aspect – who do people want to convey themselves as in public?

- Do their clothes give a characteristic to how they behave?

- Choose a number of settings around London, e.g. a night club, a work environment, a leisure environment (taking dog out for a walk) – this gives a range for comparison

- Research practice methodology = how I use that practice to get an answer/how I use resourced information to create the final project, thus creating/starting a point for discussion e.g. interviews

- Ask interviewees what they wear in specific environments (see above)

- Risk assessment for speaking to members of the public – make sure to mention that I won’t be working alone

- Walking up to people on the street is not an acceptable method – ethical issue is how I would approach them

- Focus on the idea of a range of very specific locations

- Interview people about what they wear in specific locations and how it makes them feel; wear the clothes myself; comment on them and give my opinion on how they make me feel/my experiences of them

- Distil information down into a clear practice and strategy that I favour in a methodical way

- TV/film costume designers? Do some clear research to help engage with the project

- Look at related practices

- Look at decision process of costume designers

Tutorial 2 - 23/10/2017

- More detail with methodology

- What am I trying to find out with my methodology?

- Participant consent form will have a clear description of what my methodology will be

- Data collected needs to be protected (e.g. with password)

- Give participants the right to pull out at any time up until publication

- Give participants my details so that they can contact me

- Find a safe method of approaching people (participants) in known spaces and forums

Tutorial 3 - 06/11/2017 (Group Session with Supervisor)

- Understanding of my field of study will help sharpen up my project, but what I’m doing so far is good

- Everyone in the group can relate to the notion of performing via clothing – are you putting on a character, are you dressing to suit a character, are you putting the first thing from your wardrobe on? Or all of them?

- Comment from Kala – “get dressed as you intend to go on”, e.g. clothes might reflect how you feel on the inside, so bad mood = dark clothes, ill = comfy clothes; “you dress how you feel”; “if you look good, you feel good”, e.g. certain clothing can influence one’s mood; can’t have one without the other

- Could do focus groups? E.g. open discussion

- Surveys could limit data, whereas focus groups are more open

- One methodology could be to dress in the outfits myself, perhaps instead of just having others dress in them

- Simple questions can become a minefield of complexity

- Keep on top of documentation now

- Reading – always make a reference of page number, etc.

Tutorial 4 - 10/11/2017

- Methodology: change “average outfit” to “most popular”

- Have a different number of outfits in each location?

- Dressing up = experience of normality?

- Current methodology will only get to the nub of normality, not necessarily to the individuals wearing the outfits

- Dress up in people’s clothing and take photos in their room?

- Get people to show me their wardrobe; things they bought but never wear and why; take photos of their wardrobe/individual items

- Putting on someone else’s clothing (skin) might be adding to yourself as a person?

- Possibly have a clothes rack?

- Ask family members to participate

- Event: Family Ties Network in December

- Think of an academic argument as to why I am deciding to use this methodology; look at other research on using family in research

- How does the knowledge from said research transfer to other people?

- I need to mention how looking at other examples have informed me on what I want to do

- Practice photography – different materials, circumstances, lighting

Tutorial 5 - 27/11/2017 (Feedback on Improved Methodology)

- Illustrates a curve in the project – started off as a general idea

- Use of ritualistic behaviour in another context can create insightful knowledge

- Exhibition environment can be imaged – realistic idea

- It’s a simple and structured methodology

- Participant consent forms need to be completed

- Consider health, safety and risks – these issues are overcome as the participants will be family and friends, so there is already trust/rapport there

- Research Sophie Calle

Tutorial 6 - 08/12/2017

- Put working title in for now as title will suggest itself over course of project

- Send all documents to David to be checked over and signed off on

- Upload proposal, ethics form, participant consent form & participant information sheet

- Look up practices similar to what I want to do for the final exhibition piece

- Research: Nan Goldin; Corinne Day; Juergen Teller; Vivienne Dick; John Cassavetes

N.B. Not all suggestions were pursued, and not all tasks were carried out.

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